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Trend Talks & Forecasts

‘Our field of work is evolving; the world of work is developing rapidly and our work- and lifestyle patterns are changing. Getting used to unpredictability and constant change is the new normal. To keep feeding myself and my clients and ‘to stay ahead’ I maintain an active network of ‘future of work’ trendsetters, trend watchers, architects, developers, hoteliers, coworking space owners and thought leaders. These inspirations and sources of knowledge are the foundation of my trend talks and trend safaris.’

In dept insight into the latest trends and future scenario’s regarding the future of work? Interested in a keynote at your event or seminar? In her talks Rosan will share future scenario’s and hands on ideas and experiences on a broad variety of topics concerning the future of work.

Trendtalks & Keynotes
Trend talk, updates & facts

The pace of change is accelerating, technology is driving all disruption and our systems are overloaded. How are organisations dealing with these challenges? Which skills and knowledge is needed from tomorrow’s leaders and decision makers? In this talk Rosan provides an overview of the latest trends and developments. She explains how to create innovative leadership and why ‘positive simplicity’ as a design paradigm is important.

GEN Z & the future of work, get ready

Where millennials love freedom and flexibility, Gen Z is driven by stability, safety and security. How to respond to these needs in a (work) world that is becoming increasingly fluid? How to reach new generations? How do we continue to understand each other and avoid generation bias? Triggers for employers who want to stay ahead!

The future office

A green work environment contributes to productivity and creativity. Wellbeing and hospitality are becoming increasingly important in the employee journey centered office. In this talk Rosan shares the latest developments about the future of the office, which she lards with insights and facts from the practice of her projects and facts about the hybrid world of work.


Trend safaris are tailor-made exclusive inspiration and learning experiences for business groups, CEOs and decision makers in the facilities, HR, marketing, IT or real estate profession. A trends safari is characterized by a customized program, insight into the latest trends and developments, site visits and lectures by experts and thought leaders. A trend safari offers a high-end experience about the way we work, live and move in the city of the future.


  • Trend safari in Copenhagen for real estate investor, operator and developer Befimmo
  • Trend safari in Berlin for Befimmo and coworking operator Silversquare 
  • Trend safari in Amsterdam for Swiss architecture firm Offconsult AG 
  • Trend safari in Cape Town for the Cape Town Coworking Guide
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New World of Work

Curious about the way we work, live and move in the city of the future? Interested in future-scenario’s? Do you want to know more about the future office, inspiring work environments, changing work- and lifestyle patterns or looking for ways to get ready for new generations in the workplace?
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